Donate to IGHL

Make a Gift, Change a Life.

For more than 45 years, IGHL has been providing lifetime alternatives for people living with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Our residential, day habilitation, and vocational opportunities are environments that promote independence, inclusion, and acceptance. Your gift will support hundreds of people so that they may live their best life.

No gift is too large, or too small. A one-time, recurring, or planned gift can, and WILL make a significant difference.



One-Time Donations ⮕

Are you looking to significantly impact the lives of those we support? Your contribution provides people living with intellectual and developmental disabilities the opportunity to live their best lives.


Gifts of Stock and Securities ⮕

Gifts of appreciated stocks and securities make an immediate impact on IGHL's work and can make a difference in your finances. To get started, use FreeWill's online stock donation platform to make the process simple and quick.


Charitable IRA Gifts →

For IGHL supporters 70.5 or older, a gift from your IRA can make an immediate impact on our mission, while helping reduce your tax burden, and meeting a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD). Use this free online resource from FreeWill to learn more and create your gift.


Planned Giving ⮕

To create a charitable bequest to IGHL, you can use FreeWill's online estate planning tool. These resources allow you to create an estate plan 100% for free and include the necessary language to designate IGHL as a beneficiary of your plan.


Monthly Giving Program ⮕

The Monthly Giving Program at IGHL (One Community) provides on-going support to ensure a flow of funds are accessible. Monthly recurring donations are automatically processed and require no additional actions on your part.


For more information about Donations at IGHL, please contact:

Deborah Kneidl
Christine Cassamassino
Chief Development Officer Senior Director of Development


Office: 631.388.6806

Cell: 631.461.2798


Cell: 631.644.2353